
Records with power flow data to simulate various scenarios that use OpenIPSL type declarations.


This subpackage contains power flow data records to initialize the simulation models.

Note that the templates in this package make use of the type declarations with nominal attributes provided by OpenIPSL, which therefore leads to different initialization solutions when the data is used as compared with the package in Example2.Base.Systems.Basic.Data. This is used to illustrate the use of types with nominal values, observe that in the templates here, types with nominal values are used. Observe that this is an important aspect as, "the nominal value can be used by an analysis tool to determine appropriate tolerances or epsilons, or may be used for scaling" (see the Modelica Specification, Ch.4.8.6).

For example, the templates in this package use OpenIPSL types, as in Example2.PFData.Data.BusData.Bus_Template

parameter OpenIPSL.Types.PerUnit V1;

where the type declaration is:

type Voltage = SI.Voltage(nominal = 1e4, displayUnit = "kV");

In contrast, the voltage mangitude is defined in Example2.Base.Systems.Basic.Data.PF_TwoAreas.Voltages as:

parameter Real V1;

This difference will result in different intialization solutions despite having the same power flow solution as initial guess data.

It is recommended that the approach used within this package is favored. The other package (i.e. Example2.Base.Systems.Basic.Data) is used to illustrate the point discussed above and for the sake of reproducibility of the work in [1] and [2].

Extends from Modelica.Icons.RecordsPackage (Icon for package containing records).

Package Content

Name Description
Example2.PFData.RecordTemplates RecordTemplates Contains the templates to organize the data
Example2.PFData.Data Data Records containing the power flow data
Example2.PFData.PFScenarios PFScenarios Drop-in component to select the power flow scenarios

Example2.PFData.PFScenarios Example2.PFData.PFScenarios

Drop-in component to select the power flow scenarios


Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records).


replaceable record Bus 
replaceable record Loads 
replaceable record Trafos 
replaceable record Machines 
Automatically generated Wed Mar 13 11:47:11 2024.