This VI Is used to read the input from channels of a PDC, this VI can display 5 different waveforms each specified by a different color. To use this VI start the PRL and connect labview with a PDC by configuring setting to allow connection. The connection can be set using the S3DK GUI and using the configuration button and typing in the IP and port address.
- the refresh rate determines how often the graph will update, the option are 50 Hz, 20 Hz, 10 Hz, 5 Hz, 2 Hz, 1 Hz, every 2 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec and 1 minute. The first option will result in faster updates while the later will keep the information on the graph longer.
- The graph itself shows the amplitude vs time of the input of a specific PMU channel. The other check options are used to separate the different inputs each with a specific color.
- These options are used to control the graph. The cross is used to station the graph, the magnifying lens sections part of the graph for a specific part of the data, and the glove allows the data to be shifted.
This example utilities multiple S3DK VI to function:
PRL Remote: is used to run the PRL and start the connection. It also rapidly tests to see if a connection is made or if the user presses quit to then call the VI to shutdown the connection.
PRL Channel selector configuration: used to direct which channel will be read from, the VI is then unbundle the signal to output the analog.
PRL Signal Create Waveform: used to create the graph using the analog data from the PRL.