Lab Members
Current Researchers and Students @ALSETLab
Research Scientists (i.e. Senior Researchers)
PhD Students
- Since Spring of 2024: Md. Nazmul Hassan Chowdhury, working on power electronic systems for multi-district energy hubs.
- Since Fall of 2023: Mohtarima Medha, working on analysis of embedded HVDC links in a synchronous dispatch region.
- Since Spring 2023: Srijita Bhattacharjee, working on multi-domain modeling for grid-interactive district energy systems.
- Since Spring 2022: Hao Chang working on testing and identification of Inverter-based resources.
MSc Students
Other Current Students and Researchers outside of RPI
Current Students that I (co) supervise in other institutions:
Senior Researchers
PhD Students
- (16) 2024 - Fernando Fachini worked on “Dynamic Modeling for Autonomous Microgrid Control and Resilient Operation”, thesis to be uploaded in the future.
- (15) 2024 Gianni Bakhos worked on “AC & DC Hybrid Power Systems’ Security: Assessment And Enhancement” at SuperGrid Institute, thesis to be uploaded in the future.
- (14) 2023 - Giuseppe Laera worked on “Power Systems Modeling, Calibration and Cloud Applications using the Modelica Language and FMI Standard”, thesis to be uploaded in the future.
- (13) 2023 - Pengxiang Huang worked on “Impedance Reshaping of Modular Multilevel Converters for Stable and Safe Power System Operation”, thesis to be uploaded in the future.
- (12) 2022 - Meaghan Podlaski worked on Modeling, system identification, and parameter estimation for electrified aircraft systems and hydroelectric power plants.
- (11) 2022 - Marcelo de Castro Fernandes worked on “Equation-based object-oriented modeling, simulation, analysis and control of electric power systems”.
- (10) 2021 - Prottay Adhikari - worked on Synchrophasor-based monitoring, control, and protection for distributed energy resources.
- (09) 2019 - Tanushree Agarwal worked on micro-grid monitoring using TSN. Main supervisor: Prof. Mohammadreza Barzegaran at Lamar University. Sample publications: microgrid and TSN-based PMU data transfer.
- (08) 2019 - Francisco Gomez Lopez worked on CIM-Compliant Power System Dynamic Model-to-Model Transformation and Modelica Simulation, co-supervised by Svein H. Olsen.
- (07) 2018 - Farhan Mahmood worked on Synchrophasor based Steady State Model Synthesis of Active Distribution Networks.
- (06) 2018 - Wei Li worked on PMU-based State Estimation for Hybrid AC and DC Grids
- (05) 2017 - Tetiana Bogodorova worked on Modeling, Model Validation and Uncertainty Identification for Power System Analysis.
- (04) 2017 - M. Shoib Almas worked on Synchrophasor Applications and their Vulnerability to Time Synchronization Impairment.
- (03) 2016 -Vedran Peric worked on Non-intrusive Methods for Mode Estimation in Power Systems using Synchrophasors.
- (02) 2015 - Yuwa Chompoobutrgool. Worked on Aspects of Wide-Area Damping Control Design using Dominant Path Synchrophasor Signals. Download her Lic. Thesis and PhD. Thesis.
- (01) 2012 - Rujiroj Leelaruji worked on Methods for Synchrophasor-Based Power System Instability Detection and HVDC Control.
MSc Students
- 2023: Eric Segerstrom working on power system modeling and synchrophasor data analysis, sample paper 1, sample paper 2.
- 2022 (MSc Comp. Sys.) - Sergio Andres Dorado worked on machine learning applications for power systems, sample paper.
- 2021 - Kunj Shah worked on regenerative breaking systems for hybrid vehicles.
- 2020 (MSc EE) - Sergio Andres Dorado worked on machine learning applications for power systems, sample paper.
- 2020 - Manuel Navarro Catalan worked on continuous integration and regression testing workflows for power system modeling libraries.
- 2020 - Marcelo de Castro Fernandes worked on joint modeling and simulation of transmission and distribution networks, sample paper.
- 2018 - Marcelo de Fernandes Castro worked on Modeling and Simulation of Integrated Transmission and Distribution Systems to Assess the Impacts of Distributed Energy Resources, I was his co-supervisor, together with Prof. Janaína Gonçalves de Oliverira.
- 2017 - Miguel Aguilera Chaves worked on Semantic and Physical Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Domain Energy Systems: Gas Turbines and Electrical Power Networks, sample paper.
- 2017 - Biswarup Mukherjee worked on Automatic Resynchronization of an Islanded Power Network, sample paper.
- 2016 - Narasimham Arava worked on Voltage Stability Assessment of Power Systems by Decision Tree Classification and Preventive Control by Pre-Computing Secure Operating Conditions, sample paper.
- 2016 - Giuseppe Laera worked on Power System Dynamic Equivalencing and Calibration using Modelica and RaPId, sample paper.
- 2016 - Narender Singh worked on Feeder Dynamic Rating Application for Active Distribution Networks using Synchrophasors.
- 2016 - Albane Schwob worked on the Analysis of load models used in black-start studies.
- 2015 - Seyed Reza Firouzi worked on Design, Implementation and Validation of an IED 619850-90-5 Gateway for IEEE C37.118.2 Synchrophasor Data Transfer.
- 2015 - Ravi Shankar Singh worked on Assessment of Timing Requirements of Phasor Measurement Units.
- 2015 - Guðrún Margrét Jónsdóttir worked on Real-Time PMU-Assisted wide-Area Oscillation Damping using Active Load Control.
- 2015 - Mohammad Ahsan Adib Murad worked on Phasor Time-Domain Power System Modeling and Simulation using the Standardized Modelica Language: Conventional and Power Electronic-Based Devices.
- 2015 - Menghia Zhang worked on MANGO - Modelica Classes of the Norvegian Grid for iTesla and SW-to-SW Validation.
- 2015 - Le Qi worked on Modelica Driven Power System Modeling, Simulation and Validation.
- 2015 - Thibault Vandewoestyne worked on Test Scenarios for Validation of the Offline Workflow of the iTesla Toolbox for Small-Signal Stability Assessment.
- 2014 - MD Rokibul Hasan worked on Development, calibration and simulation of generic VSC-HVDC high level controls for DC grid Simulation.
- 2014 - Jahid Razan worked on VSC – HVDC Modelica Models for Power System Time Domain Simulation.
- 2014 - Robert Rogersten worked on VSC-HVDC System Modeling and Validation.
- 2014 - Eldrich Rebello worked on Real-Time PMU Assisted Wide-Area Oscillation Damping using Compact Reconfigurable Controllers.
- 2013 - Maxime Baudette worked on Fast Real-time Detection of Sub-Synchronous Oscillations in Power Systems using Synchrophasors.
- 2013 - Joan Russiñol Mussons worked on Modelica-Driven Power System Modeling, Parameter Identification and Physically-Based Model Aggregation.
- 2012 - Jan Lavenius worked on An Algorithm for Finding Minimal Load Interruption Costs.
- 2012 - Adrien Guironnet worked on Static security criteria for voltage stability assessment in the French transmission grid.
- 2012 - Mostafa Farrokhabadi worked on Automated Topology Processing for Conventional, Phasor-Assisted and Phasor-Only State Estimators.
- 2011 - Alexander Henry worked on Modeling and dynamic analysis of offshore wind farms in France: Impact on power system stability.
- 2011 - M. Shoaib Almas worked on PMU-Assisted Local Optimization of the Coordination between Protective Systems and Reactive Power Compensation Devices.
- 2011 - Wei Li worked on Hydro Turbine and Governor Modeling and Scripting for Small-Signal and Transient Stability Analysis of Power Systems.
- 2011 - Sebastian Bengtsson worked on Estimation of electromechanical oscillations in the Nordic Power System using synchrophasor measurement data.
BSc Students
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