
Models for simulation and linearization at multiple operating points through ramping of generation and load


This package includes the main examples for linear analysis and simulation.

It includes three models and a sub-package.


  1. Example2.Analysis.Ramping, illustrates how to simulate multiple operating conditions by ramping g1 and Load9 in Example2.Base.Systems.sys
  2. Example2.Analysis.RampingRandomLoadAndInput, illustrates how to add multisine input signal and random load variations (in addition to ramping) to the system in Example2.Base.Systems.sys.
  3. Example2.Analysis.KchangeLinRamping, designed to linearize the model Example2.Base.Systems.sys at any point in time while considering ramping as in Example2.Analysis.Ramping

Sub-package: Example2.Analysis.AutomationFunctions

This sub-package contains three functions to automate the simulations of models 1 and 2, and to automate the linearization of model 3. See the documentation/info layer of each of the functions for more information.

Extends from Example2.Utilities.Icons.PackageWithSimAndLinModels (Package that contains both simulation and linearization models).

Package Content

Name Description
Example2.Analysis.Readme Readme Recommended models for derivative work
Example2.Analysis.Ramping Ramping Model for simulation used to illustrate how ramping is applied to move the system to multiple operating points.
Example2.Analysis.RampingRandomLoadAndInput RampingRandomLoadAndInput Model to perform blind estimation with default controller and re-design
Example2.Analysis.KchangeLinRamping KchangeLinRamping Model to perform blind estimation with default controller and re-design
Example2.Analysis.AutomationFunctions AutomationFunctions Provides functions for automation of simulation and linearization using the models of the upper layer package
Example2.Analysis.PFVariants PFVariants Variants with redeclarable power flow structures for top-level re-parametrization

Example2.Analysis.Ramping Example2.Analysis.Ramping

Model for simulation used to illustrate how ramping is applied to move the system to multiple operating points.


This model illustrates how ramping is applied to move the system to multiple operating points.

To simulate this model and plot the results, execute the function Example2.Analysis.AutomationFunctions.simulate_and_plot_ramping , which sets up the adequate solver settings to minimize run time.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).


PSS Parameters
pss_vsmaxMax stabilizer output signal [1]
pss_vsminMin stabilizer output signal [1]
pss1_KwStabilizer gain [pu/pu]
pss1_TwWash-out time constant [s]
pss2_KwStabilizer gain [pu/pu]
pss2_TwWash-out time constant [s]
pss3_KwStabilizer gain [pu/pu]
pss3_TwWash-out time constant [s]
pss4_KwStabilizer gain [pu/pu]
pss4_TwWash-out time constant [s]

Example2.Analysis.RampingRandomLoadAndInput Example2.Analysis.RampingRandomLoadAndInput

Model to perform blind estimation with default controller and re-design


Main model used for simulation in [1] and [2].

To reproduce the results in Fig. 4 of [2], execute the function Example2.Analysis.AutomationFunctions.simulate_and_plot_inputs , which sets up the adequate solver settings to minimize run time.

Please note that running this model takes substantial time compared to example Example2.Analysis.Ramping, the reason is that both random load and probing signals are added to the model which results in an additional computation burden.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example (Icon for runnable examples).

Example2.Analysis.KchangeLinRamping Example2.Analysis.KchangeLinRamping

Model to perform blind estimation with default controller and re-design


Extends from Example2.Utilities.Icons.ModelForLinearization (nonlin4lin = for this model, you need to provide inputs or use it as is for linearization).


Automatically generated Wed Mar 13 11:47:12 2024.