Looking for the Lab’s current members? Please follow this link to find the Lab’s team roster (past students, post-docs, researchers and visitors): Lab Roster!

2025-02-18: Notice to Prospective Researchers and Students

I will NOT be recruiting any graduate students (MSc and PhD) to join my team for the foreseeable future.

I have been on sabbatical from August 2023 to August 2024 and, unfortunately, I have not managed to obtain any new research grants (in other words, many grant applications have been rejected :-( ). Consequently, I will NOT be looking for any new students in the near future.

My current priority is to find funds to support my existing group of students, however, in the unlikely event that more funding than expected becomes available, I may start looking for new students to join in Fall 2027.

Please do not email me with requests and questions about joining my research program because I will not have available funding to support additional students. See more information about how funding/support schemes for here.

About Joining my Team: ALSETLab

Are you an undergrad or grad student at RPI?

Are you at another university in the USA or outside the USA?

About the Admission Process and Funding Support Schemes

While I encourage you to apply, note that the admission to our program is subject to both the Institute’s admission process, and the ECSE departmental selection, where faculty (like me) do not have full authority or the final word in admission. I can only consider your case after you have gone through the admission process, if you are awarded a Teaching Assistantship and/or provided that I have relevant funding to support you as a Research Assistant or if you have your own fellowship to support your studies.

Funding Support for Graduate Studies:

If you are accepted to RPI’s graduate program, and you do not have your own fellowship, there are two forms of support:

During and after admission (as a TA or RA, or self-funded):

RPI’s Admission Requirements

List of Requirements

Test Scores:

Study for the tests! Really!

You should be aware that many other students will be applying, and good test scores is an easy way of differentiating yourself from other applicants.

Before you do anything, and specially before taking the tests, you should prepare very well to attain the marks suggested above. Here’s what you can do to prepare:

  1. Take a course: here or here.
  2. Prepare using a practice book or website: here is a free one.
  3. Repeat steps 1. and 2. above.

Where the list of available available positions or scope of work you are looking for?

Now that you have read the information above, please find the available positions described here.

Just to check that you read, and after applying to RPI, you can contact me by sending me email to luigi dot vanfretti at gmail dot com and writing in the subject line: “Joining RPI ECSE Graduate Program: I immersed myself in the culture. Tasting the cuisine. But mostly building models in Modelica!”.

If you don’t write this in the heading, I will just send you a standard reply directing you to this website.

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